The View,
Royal College of Surgeons of England,
Elevate Your Brand
As a sponsor of the PublicTechnology Live 2025, you’ll gain exclusive access to the UK’s leading public sector technology professionals, establishing your organisation as an industry pioneer. Our bespoke sponsorship packages offer unparalleled visibility, allowing you to showcase your top talent, cutting-edge products, and innovative services to a highly targeted audience.
Engage in strategic networking, connect with decision-makers and influencers in the public sector technology landscape, and position your brand as an authority through speaking opportunities and panel discussions, reinforcing your thought leadership in the field.
Why Sponsor PT Live?

Meet, network and do business with 150+ senior data, technology and procurement decision makers from across the public sector.

Brand Visibility
Pre-event, onsite and post-event branding opportunities, putting your organisation in front of senior public technology decision-makers.

Launch and demonstrate your latest products, services and technologies via conference presentation and exhibition stand opportunities.

Lead Generation
Build your sales pipeline with lead generation opportunities including published research, white papers and other IP on the event website.

Who Attends PT Live?
Exclusively attended by c-suite government executives and public sector technology professionals, including:
Directors of Information Security
Finance & Procurement Directors
Chief Operating Officers
Heads of Operations
Directors of Information Security
Finance & Procurement Directors
Chief Operating Officers
Heads of Operations
Directors of Infrastructure and Operations
Directors of Digital Transformation
Directors / Heads of Commercial Policy
Directors of Risk and Audit
Pick Your Sponsorship Package
Strategic Headline Sponsor
The Ultimate Package
Roundtable Sponsor
50-minute Private Roundtable
Panel Sponsor
Thought Leadership
Workshop Sponsor
25 Minute Case Study
Registration Sponsor
Brand Exposure
Branding Sponsor
Brand Positioning