Martin Ferguson

Director of policy and research

Martin leads Socitm Institute’s policy advocacy and research programmes. His particular interest lies in the public policy impasse that prevents many of the complex socio-economic and environmental problems faced by people, communities and places being confronted. Throughout a career spanning local government, academic research and teaching in the UK and abroad, his focus has been on harnessing technologies and data for the benefit of people and the wellbeing of communities. This interest underpins Socitm’s current research, education and training in fields such as ethical, digital place-making and leadership, and his voluntary work as a Trustee of Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care.

A graduate of the Universities of Wales, Waterloo (Canada) and Birmingham, his local government career spans planning, environment, housing, leisure and recreation, IT, and policy and communications. He is a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, a founder member of the Linked Organisation of Local Authority ICT Societies, a member of Major Cities of Europe’s Organising Committee, programme manager for Socitm’s UK Local CIO Council and a past President of Socitm.

In Brazil and central Asia, he has led work on the British Council’s e-governance programmes. He has served as an associate lecturer for the University of Birmingham’s Public Service MBA in the UK and Hong Kong, senior lecturer for the Open University Business School and external examiner for Henley Business School. Currently, he sits on industry advisory boards for the Universities of Hertfordshire and Kingston and is a Trustee at Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care.

You can find Martin’s LinkedIn profile here


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